General rules and outside the school. They should also show kindness and courteousness in words and deeds. Appearance and Deportment In the classroom * Under Tropical Cyclone and Rainstorm Warning Signal condition A. Tropical Cyclone: -Classes are suspended all day when Tropical Cyclone Signal No.3 (or above) is issued. B. Rainstorm Warning Signals: -When the Red or Black Rainstorm Warning signal is issued, the Education and Youth Bureau (DSEDJ) will release the announcement of class suspension through the local radio, television broadcasts and its official social networking platforms. Students are not required to go to school. – During the aforesaid class suspension period, the school will keep the premises open and arrange for staff to look after the students who have arrived at school until they safely return home. – During class suspension period, all tests, examinations and extracurricular activities will be postponed or cancelled. C. Exceptional weather condition: – When the temperature is 38°C or above and 3°C or below, classes are suspended all day. Early-leaving and late-coming Leave of absence and sick leave Tests and Examinations Norms for promotion, Grade Retention and Expulsion Committee by the end of the school year. Final decisions about the concerns will be made by the committee in consultation with the class teacher(s) in accordance with the students’ academic and behavioral performances. Students in Primary 5 and 6 who meet the school attendance requirements, obtain a passing grade in every subject and conduct, or those who are given the opportunity to take the resit exams and obtain a passing grade are allowed to promote to Primary 6 or to graduate respectively. (1) According to Student Assessment System for Formal Education of Local Education System, school is allowed to require Primary 5 and 6 students to repeat a grade. Grade retention is also applied for special cases occur in the other grades. (2) Primary 5 and 6 students who obtain a passing grade in all subjects and conduct but fail to fulfil any one of the following are required to repeat a grade: 1. Obtain a failing grade in the Year Total Average Mark; 2. Fail in 5 weighting units or above; 3. Among the failed subjects, obtain lower than 40 marks in any major subject. (3) According to Student Assessment System for Formal Education of Local Education System, school may get the approval from the Student Assessment Committee, and request from the DSEDJ the administration of grade retention to students in the following cases: A. When both the parent and the school agree that grade retention will cater to the student’s learning development; B. When the student’s attendance rate does not meet the requirements in the school-based students assessment regulations. Students in the following cases may be advised for dismissal after getting the approval from the Student Assessment Committee: A. Obtain Grade D in 3 criteria (or above) among all the criteria on the Student’s Behavior Profile; B. Being evaluated for grade retention in the former school year, and yet no improvement is shown on academic and behavioral performances; C. A repeater whose academic and behavioral performances yet do not meet the requirements in the school-based students assessment regulations; D. Commit violent acts that harm the school’s reputation; E. Obtain 27 demerits. Awards and Penalties (1) Excel in both academic and conduct performances; (2) Show diligence and have excellent performance in academic achievements; (3) Have outstanding service to the school; (4) Actively participate in in-school and out-of-school activities; (5) Perform praiseworthy deeds in favour of others. (1) Warning; (2) Time-out /after-school detention; (3) Demerits; (4) Suspension from school; (5) Expulsion; (6) Other appropriate penalties. (1) Serious behaviors which offend or insult teachers; (2) Vandalizing school property, tampering with school notices or scribbles on the wall with inappropriate wordings; (3) Bullying or harassing others; (4) Spreading of counterfeit orders; Forging documents or signatures; (5) Stealing, gambling or smoking; (6) Taking part in activities or organizations which are illegal, or harming the school reputation, or commit a moral or criminal offense; (7) Habitually violating the school regulations though repeated warnings are given; (8) Obtaining 27 demerits. Merits and Demerits 1. Merits: 1.1 Merits will be assigned to students who: (1) Are outstanding in their service as a member of the service team throughout the school year. (2) Have punctual submission of all assignments and full compliance with textbooks and stationery, and no tardiness or unexcused absence record. (3) Have outstanding performance in representing the school in external competitions. 1.2 In order to commend students who excel in both academic achievement and conduct, the following awards will be presented: (1) Conduct Award (2) Outstanding Conduct Award (3) Conduct Progress Award (4) Outstanding Academic Performance Award (5) Diligent Student Award (6) Service Award 2. Demerits: 2.1 Demerits will be assigned to students who: (1) Have 5 records of late-coming. (2) Have 5 records of late submission of assignments. (3) Have 5 records of not bringing necessary textbooks or stationery for classes. (4) Copy the homework of their fellow students or have the homework done by others. (5) Do the homework for their fellow students or let others copy the homework. (6) Pull pranks on others. (7) Habitually litter in the school campus, damage or vandalise school property. (8) Eat in class. (9) Use inappropriate language. (10) Deceive teachers and parents. (11) Dishonestly appropriate property belonging to others. (12) Falsify or tear up teachers’ messages on the diary or notices to parents. (13) Counterfeit signatures of teachers or parents. (14) Bully or harass others. (15) Take part in trading activities without the permission of the school. (16) Show disruptive behaviours in classroom. 2.2 Three demerits will be assigned to students who: (1) Use foul language towards others in spite of repeated warnings. (2) Show dishonesty to teachers or parents habitually. (3) Are absent from school without leave. (4) Falsify teachers’ messages on the diary or notices to parents after demerits were imposed on previous violations. (5) Counterfeit signatures of teachers or parents after demerits were imposed on previous violations. (6) Cheat during test. (7) Show contempt for authority. (8) Deceive or steal. (9) Possess inappropriate or obscene materials. (10) Perform deliberate physical attacks on peers. (11) Show disruptive behaviours which negatively impact the class discipline. 2.3 Nine demerits will be assigned to students who: (1) Gamble or smoke inside or outside the school. (2) Falsify report cards or test papers. (3) Intimidate, abuse or incite violence. (4) Have deceptive bahviours or steal habitually. (5) Act on vandalism of school property. (6) Cheat during exam. (7) Commit deeds that harm the reputation of the school while wearing school uniform. **P.S. The school authorities may alter the above-mentioned rules when they deem it necessary.